Langenberg has given presentations for a large number of different events, including: Wageningen UR, het departement Media- en Cultuurwetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht, de Masteropleiding Mediacultuur van de Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences van Maastricht University, de Raad voor het Landelijk Gebied, Staatsbosbeer, DLG, DHV, DOC Advies, BügelHajema adviseurs, LEAS bureau voor zorgvernieuwing, de Rietveld Academie, het Sandberg Instituut, de Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam, Hogeschool Avans afdeling Sociale Studies, het NAi, Stroom Den Haag, GEM, het Centraal Museum Utrecht, de Dutch Design Week en Oerol.
With contagious enthusiasm, humour and a sense of theatrics, Sjaak Langenberg carries listeners along with behind the scenes stories of the projects that he and Rosé de Beer develop together. As the projects arise from concerns around societal issues, many current affairs are reviewed, and Langenberg can reveal links to the audience's daily business. His own essays, and texts written on assignment are also part of his lecture repertoire.
The connections that Langenberg and de Beer take on, with sectors such as the care industry, the world of organisational consultancy, the financial service sector and the academic world, are reflected in the diversity of organisations and places where Langenberg has given presentations in recent years.
If you are interested in having Sjaak Langenberg as a speaker or would like more information, sjaak@sjaaklangenbergnl
photos by: Sebastiaan ter Burg and Rosé de Beer