DEN BOSCH - Unhappiness is both exploited and nurtured by the happiness industry. Self-help books dangle a carrot on a string, with titles like 'Change your life in 7 days, and 'Time for yourself and still get everything done'. In the Den Bosch city library there are over 700 such books on the subject of happiness on the shelves. Sjaak Langenberg and Rosé de Beer borrowed all these books in one go, leaving behind empty shelves.
With this intervention Langenberg and de Beer began their contributions to the three-year research project Reinventing Happiness, an assignment from the 's-Hertogenbosch Museum of Contemporary Art and guest curator Joanna van der Zanden. The aim of Reinventing Happiness is to develop alternative social concepts and to investigate if an alternative definition of happiness could deliver new perspectives for the future. Other research contributions are being provides by Jeanne van Heeswijk in collaboration with Paul De Bruyne, and Frank Bruggeman.
© Sjaak Langenberg & Rosé de Beer |